Dry Cooler Cleaning for Finning/CAT. We work Nationally
In 2022 we were asked by finning CAT if we could clean the cooler units aloft containers with the V20 gas engines inside used to create electricity to support the National Grid at peak times. We took on the challenge and did some successful tests. We were then put through the rigorous approved contractor system of Finning and gained the status August 2022. later we were requested to attend a site with alarms that cooler was overheating, we applied our process and after the unit was re commissioned it was running 10 degrees cooler. In February 2023 we were commissioned to clean 135 Finning Cat units accross the country from Durham down to Gravesend, between April 2023 and June 2023. After a successful contract we were invited back to do an annual clean April 2024 to July 2024 including 4 units on the Isle Of White. Looking forward to a repeat in 2025.